Agatha Mist Blue Alice Headband
來自澳洲手工甜美髮飾品牌Dainty Dulcie,每款精緻髮飾皆由創辦人Simone 親自手工製作,富有溫度的美麗髮夾適合每位小女孩配戴
Made from quality cotton sateen fabric, and finished with beautiful white filigree trim on the interior, these headbands are comfortable and pretty.
Perfectly sized for a wide range of ages, recommended for 3 years and above.Sold in singular packs. Pattern placement may vary from piece to piece.
能相遇皆是緣分,Fantaskid 期待能與更多充滿歡樂和愛的家庭們可以有一段幸福快樂的育兒旅程!透過有質感美感兼具的育兒好物,傳播愛與快樂,給每位父母心中的棒小孩!願各位能在Fantaskid 內找到點綴孩子童年的美好!我們的使命與願景:提供優質,實用,美感,環境友善的嬰幼兒產品讓更多充滿歡樂和愛的家庭們可以有一段幸福快樂及美感的育兒旅程!我們也會不定期捐贈收入的1% 給社福機構,希望有更多能力和大家一同回饋社會!