法國設計,土耳其製造的有機棉舒適品牌 - Eli & Nev
男女皆宜的中性造型的連身褲,正面有口袋設計。 配有帶椰木鈕扣的可調節肩帶。
0-3個月新生兒至18-24 個月大寶寶的尺寸,在底部有按扣設計方便穿脫。
布料:OEKO-TEX 認證布料, 95% 棉,5% 彈性纖維
Unisex model. Overalls made of 100% cotton with front pocket. Featuring adjustable straps with coconut buttons. Snap-buttons at the gusset for sizes 0-3 up to size 18-24 months included. Fabrics: 95% cotton, %5 elastane Color: Olive green OEKO-TEX certified fabric