Ballerinas, The Deer, Ruth (40cm)
- Price
- NT$1,860
北歐瑞典 Teddykompaniet, Ruth 芭蕾小鹿(絲裙)
尺寸 玩偶長度:40 cm
材質 小鹿身體:棉麻混紡. 小鹿外服:聚脂纖維
洗衣機40度洗滌, 陰乾即可
什麼是你小時候的夢想呢? 是當飛行員?警察伯伯?消防隊員?鋼琴家?還是姿態永遠優雅美麗的芭蕾舞公主呢? Teddykompaniet 這個頭戴公主皇冠的芭蕾舞兔兔,棉麻布料的身體穿著軟綿上衣跟澎澎紗裙,美麗的大長腿上還穿著亮晶晶的芭蕾舞鞋,這麼夢幻的超級組合一定是每個小公主們的夢想!
Ballerinas by Teddykompaniet is our immensely popular Ballerina family. Now the family is growing and here is the new Ballerina member – the deer Ruth!
She has glittery, golden horns adorning her cute head. Ruth also has a tulle skirt and fur trim just like her friends Ella the unicorn and Kate and Kelly the bunnies.
Size 40 cm
Washable at 40 degrees
The deer Ruth is approved & CE-marked according to EN71, which means that it is child-proof because any details are tensile-resistant and the seams are tested. We always care a little extra about the safety and happiness of the little people. Approved from 0 years.